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How to Get Started with Yoga for Seniors (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 01, 2014 Health and Fitness

If you are curious about yoga for seniors, but, don’t know if it’s for you, my interview with Cat Kabira will definitely help. Over the last couple of years, yoga has increasingly become a part of my life. Thanks for Cat, I’m sleeping better, my body is less stiff and I have more energy. I hope that you enjoy the interview!

Is Yoga for Seniors for You?

Women in their 60s are masters of negative self-talk. When our friends and family need help, we are always close at hand, offering encouragement and support. But, when we are faced with an opportunity to make a positive change in our own lives, we are full of excuses.

When it comes to yoga, for example, we have a hundred reasons that we can’t get started. “I’m too old.” “I’m too stiff.” “I don’t have time.” “I’m embarrassed.” Have any of these thoughts ever popped into your mind?

Life after 60 doesn’t have to be a time of inevitable physical decline. In fact, plenty of people are healthier in their 60s than they were in their 40s. It’s all about the choices we make. We just need to treat our health like any other project. We need motivation, encouragement, and, most of all, a plan!

Meet Cat Kabira, the Best Yoga for Seniors Instructor I know

This is where yoga teacher, Cat Kabira comes in. Cat has been practicing yoga for 20 years and has tons of experience working with women our age.

During our interview, she reassured us that feelings of embarrassment are not limited to older women.

Unfortunately, society does a pretty good job of making women of all ages feel self-conscious about their bodies, especially if they are not a perfect size 4.

Cat and I discuss how to get started with yoga for seniors – none of which require you to twist yourself into a pretzel or step too far out of your comfort zone! For example, you can start with breathing, gentle stretching or meditation before moving on to gentle yoga. As Cat says, you just have to “show up” and give yourself a chance.

Please join Cat and I as we discuss:

  • The common barriers that prevent older women from trying yoga for seniors – and how to address them
  • What to expect from yourself emotionally as you get on the path to greater health
  • Practical step-by-step advice on how to get started with yoga after 60
  • Common misconceptions about the practice of yoga
  • Advice for overcoming your fears and switching to positive self-talk
  • The importance of loving and accepting yourself

I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Cat. She is a wonderful person and she is so passionate about this topic. If you enjoy the video, please like, share or comment on it. Your support means so much to me!

Are you ready to take that first step get started with yoga for seniors? Do you have any questions you would like to ask Cat? Please leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. Remember to check out our gentle yoga video series that we filmed together with Cat Kabira in wonderful Bali.

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The Author

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

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