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“Creative and Bold” or “Classic and Romantic”? What’s Your Personal Style?

By Margaret Manning March 27, 2015 Beauty

Style and personality are unique to every woman and, over the years, we unconsciously establish preferences that reflect the essence of who we are.

We choose certain colours, gravitate to certain people and develop interests that match our personality. Some of our clothing makes it into our wardrobe by chance. Other times, we are influenced by our family, education, experiences or places that we travel to.

Putting our personal style into words is difficult, but, doing so can help us to simplify our clothing choices and present a constant look to the world.

So, if someone asked you what two words describe your personal style, what would they be? Would you say that your style is romantic and classical? Or, would you say that you are adventurous and colourful? Or perhaps you feel creative and bold?

The fun part of this process is that, once you define your two words, you can apply them to other aspects of your live. They become your north star and your personal calling card.

In fact, once you identify your two words, you will probably start to see them reflected in your clothing, house, car, friends and favourite places. So, let’s get a conversation going!

What 2 words describe your personal style? Or, do you feel like you need more than 2 words? Do you also see these words reflected in other aspects of your life – like the car that you drive or the house that you live in? Please add your thoughts in the comments section below.

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The Author

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

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