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5 Reasons Older Women Should Lift Weights

By Jane Thurnell-Read December 26, 2022 Health and Fitness

Many older women think weightlifting is for men, or (at the very least) for younger women. However, the benefits of weightlifting for older women are striking.

So, here are 5 reasons to lift weights when you are older. Let me see if I can persuade you to give it a go.

Weight Training Will Reduce Your Chances of Falling

Around a third of people aged 65 and over fall at least once a year. For some it can be a trivial fall, but for many it results in broken bones and loss of confidence. It also tends to increase the fear of falling again. Ironically, being afraid of falling can almost double your chances of actually falling.

Strength training using weights builds the support structure your skeleton needs. Stronger muscles, ligaments and tendons help to stabilise the joints. Lifting heavy weights also teaches your body to react quickly to a destabilising load.

Thus, when you stumble or start to fall, you can instinctively recover more easily. Your body will have developed a much better sense of where your limbs are in space. It will know what your back is doing. It can more easily correct the imbalance and bring you back to stability.

In other words, it will mean that you are less likely to fall, and respectively, you will worry less about the possibility of falling.

Lifting Weights Will Limit Bone Fragility

According to Harvard Health Publishing, bone mass declines at a rate of 1 percent per year after age 40. As you get older, you will be more and more likely to break bones, unless you do something to prevent this bone density loss.

In the USA, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall every 11 seconds; an older adult dies from a fall every 19 minutes. These are terrifying figures.

You can delay this decrease in bone density by putting your bones under resistance, and one of the best and most focussed ways to do this is by lifting weights.

When older people fall, they often break bones, lose confidence and become even more anxious. If you weight train regularly, you are less likely to break bones even if you do fall. And you are likely to recover much more quickly too.

Working Out Will Help You to Be More Independent

Many older women live on their own. Of necessity, they have to do things for themselves. Weight training makes all sorts of everyday jobs easier. Opening jars becomes easier. Moving furniture becomes easier.

Carrying shopping becomes easier. Even walking becomes easier. Even if you live with someone else, they may not always want to help and support you. They may be tired or ill and looking for support themselves.

Lifting Weights Will Reduce Your Bingo Wings

Bingo wings are those flabby bits of skin that hang down from your upper arms. Many women wear longer sleeved clothes to hide them.

Most older women have bingo wings to some extent. The ones who don’t are often the ones who go to a gym or workout at home. I sometimes joke that bingo wings are nature’s way of telling you that you need to go to the gym. Having strong, toned arms is definitely a goal worth working towards.

Weight Training Will Improve Your Posture

One of the giveaways of bone loss as people get older is that their posture changes. They slump forward and they sag.

Having good posture can immediately make you look a lot slimmer. It can also make you look a lot younger and more energetic. This benefit won’t happen immediately but will come along at the same time as a stronger back. Another great benefit of lifting heavy weights.

I hope I’ve convinced you, but you may be worried that I keep talking about “heavy weights.” Sadly, many women go to the gym and train with very light dumbbells. They don’t break into a sweat. They don’t need to concentrate.

They often spend time talking to a companion while they swing light weights backwards and forwards, using momentum to do most of the work. This will definitely not get you the benefits discussed here. You need to lift heavy weights.

How Heavy Is a Heavy Weight?

“Heavy weights” are heavy for you, so it varies from person to person. How do you determine what weight you should be lifting? In general, for most exercises you will do 8 to 15 repetitions (reps). You will do 2 to 3 sets, resting for 30 to 90 seconds between each set.

That’s fairly straight forward, but what weights should you use? It’s really simple.

Start Light

It’s better to be too light than too heavy when you start.

Prioritise Form Over Weight

Good form means that you are doing the exercise correctly. You are using the correct muscles for that exercise. It means being aware of how your ankles, knees and pelvis are aligned.

It involves being aware of what your back and shoulders are doing. It means not using momentum to swing the weights or leaning back inappropriately.

Choose the Right Weights

Choose a weight where the last 2 or 3 repetitions in any set are really hard. You couldn’t do any more with proper form.

Go for Progress

Aim to make progress, so that you gradually increase the weights you lift. You can also make progress by shortening the breaks between sets or increasing the number of reps in each set.

I get great benefits and joy from lifting weights. So much so that I post short gym videos on my Instagram account to inspire older women to become as passionate about weight lifting as I am.

You can also check out my blog for articles on health and well-being for older people.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How often do you go to the gym? Do you lift weights? How heavy are your weights? Have I convinced you to go for progress? If you don’t yet frequent the gym, what’s stopping you? I’d love to know. Please share your thoughts and experiences with our community.

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I’ve always loved lifting weights! I’ve made the commitment to make sure 2 of my 5-6 days of exercise focus on weight lifing. Always good to have the reminder for # of reps.

The Author

Jane Thurnell-Read is an indie author and blogger, writing about health, well-being and weight loss. Her latest book 190 Weight Loss Hacks: What The Evidence Says is available from Amazon as an eBook and a paperback. Her website is and you can follow her on Instagram @thrivingjane.

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