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Growing Older in a Stronger Body

By Fran Braga Meininger September 05, 2022 Mindset

Like many women my age, I had noticed a distinct difference in my muscle mass and strength. It was obvious my usual workout was not keeping pace with the age related decline and a pain in my left hip was taking the joy out of the long hikes I had enjoyed for so long.

But the more immediate reason I searched out weight training was a surprising diagnosis of Osteoporosis a month before my 66th birthday.

Determined to stave off the effects of the disease with proper diet, supplements and physical fitness, I did some rather diligent research and discovered several compelling studies reporting positive results from intense resistance training, which not only strengthened bones, but slowed the effects of the condition and suggested the possibility of even reversing it.

I was delighted to discover a Clinical Strength Training® program in my own community of Sonoma, California, and after working out at The Strength Studio for six months, I am thrilled with my results.

My body is definitely stronger. My balance and agility have improved and I’m looking forward to positive results from my next bone density test.

Here are some things to consider about adding resistance training to your fitness routine and finding the program that works for you:

Find a Program and Atmosphere That Feels Comfortable

I don’t like the vibe of large fitness gyms, so instead, I chose a studio where the trainer works with only one client at a time. This made a huge difference for me, and I actually look forward to going.

Look for a Studio That Specializes in Resistance Training for Mature Adults

Our bodies are quite capable of building strength, increasing endurance and improving agility at this stage in our lives, but there are physiological changes and specific conditions that need to be taken into consideration.

Ask About the Trainer’s Qualifications and Training and Be Sure They Are Adequately Qualified

My trainer has a degree in Kinesiology and is enrolled in the PhD program for physical therapy. She also participated in a rigorous program with the studio to learn their philosophy and proper use of the machines.

I was seeing a physical therapist for hip joint pain when I started working out and it made a big difference in my progress, sharing information between my PT and my trainer produced the optimum results. I am now pain free.

Be sure to clearly communicate any concerns you may have and medical conditions that should be considered in establishing your fitness goals before beginning your program.

Ask If Your Trainer Will Work Exclusively with You Each Session or If They Are Juggling Multiple Clients

After working out with a trainer who gives me all her attention, constantly monitoring my form, explaining the function of the movement and coaxing “just one more” rep, I now realize there is a significant difference.

Be Sure to Give Your Trainer Feedback, Speak Up If Anything Causes You Pain

Ask about adaptive methods if you experience discomfort from certain movement, and update them on how you felt after your last session. Consistent communication will ensure you get the most out of your program. A good trainer will always welcome your questions and input.

If you have a busy schedule or restricted budget, try to find a program that fits your needs and get started. I began working out once a week and added a second weekly workout as time and funds became available. Do what you can with what you have, rather than waiting until everything lines up perfectly.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis? What was your initial reaction? Has your mindset changed since then? What are you doing now to get better results on your next bone density test?

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Kevan R Lunney

Yes because of a parathyroid issue that took calcium from my bones, I am osteopenic. What I have learned…. I’ve worked out with a personal trainer for 10 yrs. And I still developed a clicking hip and pain. Strengthening is important but balancing the pull of muscles is even more important. They work as a team to push and pull. As we sit alot, some get shorter and others stretch out. Like an old favorite bra, things start to look a little stretched out in the wrong places. In order to strengthen the right muscles at the right time and in balance all the while takes a bit of expertise. So do get help. And if money is an issue, use the internet and keep moving. If there is stress in one area, lay off and exercise another. And after a workout eat a little protein to feed your muscles. And give to the osteoporosis society and Compassion and Care.

Your comments are helpful, Kavan. Thank you. Wishing you good health.


Hi, I AM Portugueses, All my life experiência pratice of phisiycal sports while profissional activity, athletics, cycling hikking. Iam a pilgim of spiritual and mountain Caminos in Europe. Love the nature animais and meet people, learn, share knowlege.Now I AM 70 but still very well fit, after hard times. Open to the real world and strong believe on the power of NOW, Humanist beliver-voluntary.I try to see the worl and life as a challenge of developlement of inside acceptance of reality but romântico enough to enjoy smilling and love. José


I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and fighting it like mad!I am taking HRT to help slow bone loss. Even though that increases the risk of breast cancer, I am more afraid of weak, crumbling bones than I am of breast cancer! I am super active, and do lots of weight bearing activities, but this is genetic, and my Mom and sister have it much for severely. I am determined to keep osteoporosis in check, but it’s really hard!


I love resistance training, but I get so far the crash, I don’t mean for a day or a week. It is normally for at least six months.
Then I have to start at the beginning again. I get bad body fatigue. But trying to explain it to doctors just isn’t a easy job. Unless you have lived it you don’t understand it.

The Author

Fran Braga Meininger writes personal narratives about the years beyond youth, a time in a woman’s life that can be vibrant, fulfilling, and wonderful, despite – or perhaps because of – all that comes with age. She lives in northern California where she hikes, bikes and lives life in big bites. You can visit her website at

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