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Exploring the Possibilities of Reconciliation After Estrangement

By Marie Morin February 18, 2024 Family

Estrangement within families is a deeply painful and complex phenomenon, often leaving both parties grappling with feelings of hurt, confusion, and loss. For those who find themselves estranged from loved ones, the question of whether reconciliation is possible looms large. Is estrangement a permanent state, or can it be resolved? In this blog post, we delve into this question, drawing insights from research and exploring the possibilities for healing and reconciliation.

Understanding the Dynamics of Estrangement

Before delving into whether estrangement can end, it’s essential to understand the dynamics at play. Estrangement can arise from a myriad of reasons, including unresolved conflicts, misunderstandings, differing values or lifestyles, and emotional trauma. Each family’s situation is unique, and the reasons behind estrangement are profoundly personal and multifaceted.

Exploring the Potential for Reconciliation

While estrangement can feel like an insurmountable barrier, research suggests that reconciliation is often possible. However, the journey towards healing and reconciliation is only sometimes straightforward and may require time, effort, and a willingness to address underlying issues.

Factors That Influence Resolution

Several factors can influence the likelihood of estrangement being resolved. Effective communication, empathy, and a commitment to understanding each other’s perspectives are essential for reconciliation. Additionally, acknowledging past mistakes, taking responsibility for one’s actions, and offering genuine apologies can pave the way for healing.

The worst of estrangement is abuse and its damaging long-term effects. For those who endured abusive and toxic behaviors at the hands of a family member, the decision to cut off is one of self-preservation. In such cases, where abuse remains, it is not advisable to attempt reentering a harmful relationship.

The Role of Boundaries and Self-Care

In some cases, estrangement may be necessary for an individual’s well-being, serving as a form of self-preservation. Establishing healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care are crucial aspects of navigating estrangement, whether reconciliation is on the horizon.

Seeking Support

For those navigating estrangement, seeking support from friends, family members, or mental health professionals can be invaluable. Support groups and therapy provide a safe space to process emotions, gain insights, and explore options for moving forward.

Conclusion: Hope for Healing

While estrangement can feel overwhelming and painful, it’s essential to remember that there is hope for healing and reconciliation. Families can work towards resolving conflicts and rebuilding fractured relationships by fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding. While reconciliation may not be possible in every case, the journey toward healing is deeply personal, and every step taken toward understanding and empathy brings us closer to resolution.

In conclusion, while whether estrangement ever ends may not have a definitive answer, the possibilities for healing and reconciliation are vast. By approaching estrangement with compassion, openness, and a willingness to listen, families can navigate the complexities of estrangement and find paths toward resolution.

Are you experiencing Estrangement? Download my FREE eBook on the topic, Feeling Heartbroken and Alone?


Let’s Have a Conversation:

What are your thoughts on the length of estrangement? What steps have you taken to improve your well-being or prepare for a possible relationship repair?

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May I elaborate for some of us – if you gaslight a person about things that did happen that hurt them, that person will not want (hopefully if they are smart) any contact again. Gaslighting, omitting (“it’s not a lie” – ah, yes it is), lying and then gaslighting again, taking money when you don’t need it, wildly unequal treatment about children, not caring about your good times and not caring when you are sick or in need of moral support – these are some of the things that will make the estrangement permanent.

I had all the above with my mother. After she did all of the above and more to me, I realized she has permanently destroyed my health. I surely have lost years of life due to her abuse. The worst though, is after me being there for her for 62 years (at great cost to my own life – such as a spouse, children, home, mental and physical health, financial): she badmouthed me so much that my reputation with the few family members I did have (who don’t know me) is that I’m a horrible person. I was the opposite for her – her human shield against my father’s blows meant for her, her vacation planner/chaperone/payer, her free home repairer, free chauffeur, free luxury buyer, person there when she needed someone, person who downsized her 42 year hoarded home, person who found her a beautiful place to live after downsizing (while I was living in my car – not that she cared). Then she screwed me over in ways too complicated to list here. In the end, I finally learned to go no contact.

My last few years of life, I hope to feel a moment of worth. I’ll never feel love, but worth will be something.

The Author

Marie Morin is a therapist and wellness coach at Morin Holistic Therapy. She helps women develop a daily self-care routine, so they overcome perfectionism and limiting beliefs and be their most confident selves. Marie is a grateful blogger and YouTuber. Find out more at and contact her at

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