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I Am Not My Body, Are You?

By Marie Burns March 14, 2024 Mindset

Even though I was a Registered Dietitian over two decades ago, I still remember that March is National Nutrition Month. Ironically, now instead of helping women balance their diet and exercise, I help them find balance with their finances.

I have come to truly believe that the more we take care of our mind and body (aka diet and exercise), the less we have to worry about running out of money (good health costs less!). That interrelationship is a great reminder and motivator when it comes to being intentional about the lifestyle choices we make regularly.

Tibetan Proverb

Not long ago, I came across the best sentence I have ever read related to lifestyle. It made me smile and then laugh. And now I have it posted on my Vision Board, in my calendar, on my bathroom mirror, in the kitchen, in my wallet and on my computer monitor.

“The secret to living well and longer is to eat half, walk double, laugh triple, and love without measure.”

—Tibetan Proverb

Doesn’t that sum up the importance of diet, exercise, and relationships on our health, happiness, and longevity? What a concise piece of advice!

Aging Bodies

Once we reach the 60+ time in our lives, we may have more time to focus, be more aware, and be intentional about that advice. But as I age and those around me do as well, I am coming to the realization that I need to separate myself (who I actually am) from my body in order to maintain happiness and contentment. What do I mean by that? Several things, and maybe you can relate.

I Am Not My Aches and Pains

Even if my shoulder aches today, my knee twinges tomorrow, or I am doctoring for pain or even a serious health condition, I am not a painful person. I do not want to reflect on that pain and be perceived as a negative person or someone who only talks about the aches and pains of my life. I want to remember that my body is not who I am. My body is not my spirit, my personality, or my being.

I Am Not a Number

As women especially, we are pressured by society to strive to achieve certain numbers as if they are a valuable reflection of us: weight, body measurements, clothing size, or even age for example. Did you know that most people “feel” about 15 years younger than they actually are? Or have you ever thought about how old you would say you are if you didn’t know when you were born? Don’t let a number impact your self-worth.

I Am Not Wrinkles and Graying Hair

Crow’s feet, silvering hair, and sunspots are all perceived signs of aging in a body that is slowing down. My body may be aging, but my zest for life, love of learning, and appreciation of adventures with family and friends have actually gotten stronger!

Don’t forget, we grow older but also wiser, often wiser about the more important things in life. I don’t know about you, but so far I am pushing back on society on this one with a new motto: don’t let the “old” woman in!

It’s a Matter of Mindset

I know all of this is easier said than done. Please know that I am not trivializing anyone’s pain or difficult situation. But I do know that choosing negative thoughts about your body, aging, pain, or otherwise, is only adding to your body’s woes. Negative thoughts trigger negative chemicals to flush through our bodies (to read more, check out my blog on Positive Thoughts).

Peace Pilgrim (an activist for peace) said it well:

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought again.”

—Peace Pilgrim

So during this month focused on nutrition, let’s remember that while diet is super important, we are more than our body. We should do our best to take care of our bodies because they enable us to live out our spirit, mind, and personality.

Let’s Have a Converstion:

Have you experienced society’s body messages? How are you living differently with an aging body? What mindset has been helpful to you? Let’s have a conversation!

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Freda Doss

I love the Tibetian proverb. Wrote it down on my diary. Thank you. Most of the time I follow my mind to move my body despite pain and aches.


Society’s values? Like how they treat women, minorities, the aged, disabled? No thanks. I make my own. I’ll decide what design/fashion I like, too.

This is a very sick society on a good day. A healthy one would come from love and caring first. I’ll stick with that.

Marie Burns

So sad that your comment is so true: we are a very sick society on a good day! Let’s stick with our own values like you say, couldn’t agree more.


Great article, I agree with every word and will post the Tibetan Proverb on my vision board, etc. I have lost almost 50lbs just by eating differently, working out regularly and doing all the things I enjoy, like dancing, traveling, making new friends, and especially taking control of my thoughts, by that I mean staying positive and focusing on being happy with myself. I am 71, and I am the happiest I have ever been! This article is confirmation that I am living my best life! Oh, more importantly, I am nowhere near thin but not only do I feel good, I look real good for an old lady😊

Marie Burns

Geri, you have just reiterated all the most important points! Congrats on losing 50 lbs, never easy. But even more kudos to you for your healthy happiness!

Pamela Beck

I’m 65 and cannot believe I am here. I feel so much younger. Now I think I will get everything I want from the clothes stores and eat at all restaurants I stayed away from to save money. Before I actually bought clothes from GoodWill and made an effort to buy and eat food from the cheapest markets. I also look forward to grand trips for me and not anyone else. If I have to go alone I will. I am at a point that if I don’t I will never go.

Marie Burns

LIfe is meant to be a wonderful adventure, so glad you are enjoying it!


I try to stay positive, stay active stay in touch with friends and family if they have time. I have hobbies and crafts I also have a dog. I have cut certain foods out of my diet that gave me pain, I pray or just talk to God things always seem better after that, I mean why wouldn’t it 🙂. I am looking for a job I want something fun.

Marie Burns

Positive and active, what a great combo Sandy!

The Author

Marie Burns, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), advocates for women’s financial health. She is an author of a financial checklist book series, speaker, podcast host and partners with clients to offer friendly financial advice in her independent practice Visit her at or

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