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I Am My New Priority

By Lynn Clare March 18, 2024 Mindset

It has taken me over 60 years, but I have finally come to understand that you truly cannot take care of anyone else unless you take care of yourself first.

Just like the safety instructions on an airplane – Put Your Oxygen Mask on First!

I Wanted to Serve Others

My history is the same as it was for most women my age. I was the one who looked after, supported, loved, nurtured, and sacrificed for everyone in my life. Family, friends, husband, children, neighbors, people at work, you name it. Often to my own detriment.

For many years, I felt like I was the only one who could or would do it.

From the bottom of my heart, it made me happy to give everything I had to those that I loved. They didn’t even need to ask. If I saw what seemed to be a need, I did whatever I could to help.

It made me feel valuable as a human being to be of service to others.

What I didn’t realize was that I was not saving some of that compassion for myself. Anything I did that was just for me felt selfish and many of those I had helped were very quick to criticize me for it.

But I Also Needed to Take Care of Myself without Feeling Guilt

Now, looking back, I wonder if the real issue was what I was taking away from them by having something for myself. Those, of course, are the same people who somehow were not available when I needed something.

Slowly but surely, I have pulled away from those people and situations. Creating some distance has helped me to see what I really needed and that was to take care of myself first and then share what I could with others.

Remembering what brings me joy and giving myself permission to have it has been wonderful. I relish those beautiful moments when something new shows up, and I know I am free to explore it.

There are so many things that I love, and now I am taking the time to enjoy them. Something as simple as shutting off my phone while I take a nap, read a book, or write an article feels like a total indulgence. I am no longer available to everyone 24 hours a day. Do Not Disturb has become one of my favorite settings!

I Am Also Learning How to Say No

I do not need to give an explanation or apology when I say no. I want to say it kindly but with conviction, so I’m practicing different ways to politely decline. It is a work in progress after a lifetime of always saying yes. It helps if I just pause before giving an answer to a request. I try to remember that sometimes I need to say no to them to say yes to me.

Another change I am making is how I give. I love to walk into a grocery store and pay for someone’s food or donate to a worthy cause as a gift to my grandchildren. There are so many people in need and so many ways that any kindness I can show fills my heart with joy and appreciation.

The real beauty of making myself a priority is that I have so much more to give. I feel nourished and abundant in ways that I never imagined.

My sense of self-worth is no longer tied to what others need from me; it is simply what I deserve for myself.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you been the person everyone turns to for help? Are you able to say no to requests or do you say yes even when it depletes you? How do you take care of yourself? Share your stories and join the conversation!

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This is such a timely article. I recently retired from 40 years in healthcare – IYKYK! I worked harder in my last three years than any other in my career due to the COVID crisis. All that on the foundation of being the eldest in a family of four and being taught that they were all my responsibility.
I am now trying to “detox” from the responsibilities, the sense of never being/doing enough, the pressures to be everything to all people and it is quite a journey. I pray I have the years ahead to enjoy the anticipated sense of freedom and the health to use it well. I pray the same for all of us who face the same challenge in our third trimester.

Viki Venable

Great article…you just described my life and I aspire to do more for me but it doesn’t come natural…thanks for the ideas ….very well written

Jacquelyn Harris

I was always the one to “make everyone happy” and “help everyone get along”, from my six younger brothers to people in the neighborhood and then, at work. I have to admit it feels good to help others and I’m so good at mediating, however there was, more often than not, nothing left for myself. It took me over 60 years to “get it” as well, but now that I’ve “got it” it’s all about taking care of myself and ensuring my safety, happiness, security health and peace and that has become my full-time job. Along this journey though, I find that I am just as able to help one or two others but I have released myself from believing that I am responsible for everyone.


Great article – Exactly how I feel and how I am acting right now in my life. It feels good, very good actually. I don’t want to say I earned it, but in some ways I did. All these years of putting everyone else first, I’m so very glad and blessed to have this time and ability to do as I please and help others as I please and as I want to help. Life is very very good!

Sandra Contreras

I am so glad you wrote this ! I completely identify with you. I am in the process of getting to where you are. Thank you for the inspiration to continue my journey.

The Author

Lynn Clare is a freelance writer living in Denver, Colorado. She is an avid traveler and loves writing about her adventures for women who travel solo at

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