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6 Creative Birthday Gifts for Women Over 60 That Won’t Clutter Up the House

By Lois Carter Crawford February 21, 2017 Lifestyle

“What do you want for your birthday?” That’s a tough one, isn’t it? But seriously, the last thing retired people need is more stuff. It’s a time when we are trying to get rid of all the items we no longer use. In a few years, we expect to move to a smaller place, right?

I recently celebrated my birthday and came up with six gift ideas. Here are six creative ways to allow your children, grandchildren, relatives and friends to give you a gift without adding to the clutter in your house (or breaking the bank). Feel free to send me any one of them if you would like to give me a gift!


Most of us would love to spend more time with our children, grandkids and friends. A weekly phone call or FaceTime/Skype conversation would really make us feel appreciated.

It doesn’t have to be a long call; it can be as simple as, “I just wanted to call you and tell you I got 100 on my spelling test, Grandma!”

Want List

Although at this stage of life we are in decluttering mode, we don’t want to sell, toss or give away any of our belongings that our loved ones treasure. So, give us a handy “I Want” list that we can use to help us while we sort.

Family Pictures

I love to get annual pictures of my children and their families, along with the grandkids’ school pictures. If the pictures are lousy, that’s okay. I love them anyway. Today, fewer families buy the school pictures because they are expensive and everyone takes so many pictures using digital cameras. That’s fine; a print of one of the good digital pictures is perfect!

Even better, make a short picture book online with one of the printing services, summarizing the past year in your life. It’s so much better than an annual Christmas letter. We will surely keep it and show it to all our friends.

Homemade Art or Consumables

A signed, homemade picture, piece of pottery or birthday card is always fun to receive. It doesn’t have to be the best painting ever made; it’s the thought that counts.

Or how about a jar of Homemade Chocolate Sauce, Gluten Free Lemon Squares or Tomatillo Chutney? Food or other consumable gifts that we can use quickly without finding a place to put them are a good option.

Special Care and Services

Perhaps you enjoy a foot massage and a pedicure like I do. The service doesn’t have to be expensive. This is a gift even young grandchildren can give. Wouldn’t it be fun to enjoy this service, whether it is provided by a professional nail technologist or your child/grandkid?

If spa services are not your thing, you can suggest that the giver provide a home cleaning or repair service. Wouldn’t getting your windows cleaned be marvelous?

Plane Ticket

Visiting distant grandchildren and children can be expensive, especially if you wish to do so multiple times a year. Be bold. Ask for a plane ticket to see your loved ones, and then stay as long as you can!

What is your favorite kind of birthday gift? What ones on this list do you most appreciate? What creative gift ideas can you suggest? In general, what do you think are the best birthday gifts for women over 60? Please leave a comment below.

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The Author

Lois Carter Crawford is a freelance editor, writer and blogger. She and her husband Don created Recipe Idea Shop, where they used to share their favorite recipes.

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