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Thinking About Going Grey? Here’s What to Really Expect

By Deborah Garratt April 12, 2023 Beauty

As we age, Mother Nature has a way of softening our appearance. Our hair turns grey in an attempt to create a softening halo around our face which is succumbing to gravity and the loss of moisture and collagen. A darker, fuller mane of hair might be too harsh to contrast to the signs of aging like wrinkles, saggy skin, and age spots. I am sure that Mother Nature thought this one out, but my mirror said otherwise.

The Upside of Going Grey

The decision to stop coloring one’s hair is not for the faint of heart. It’s for women who are tired of spending time and money trying to keep three steps ahead of their grey roots. As the frequency of salon visits increases, so does the cost. There is a sense of liberation when breaking free from this endless cycle; not to mention more money in your wallet.

There Is Help and Support Out There

When I decided to let my grey take over, it was both scary and liberating. During this awkward and, at times, humiliating process, I scanned the Internet trying to find my “Going Grey Tribe.”

There are plenty of bloggers and Facebook Groups out there dedicated to helping women embrace their age, hair color, and the painstaking process of going grey or “au natural.” They offer tips on grey hairstyles, photos of different outgrowth stages, and plenty of encouragement and support.

Now Is the Perfect Time

I think it’s important for you to know what to really expect. First of all, the beginning stages of outgrowth aren’t bad. But there comes the point when it’s obvious what you’re doing, which brings about stares and double takes from well-meaning Strangers.

What I found fascinating is that Millennials loved my two-tone hair color. I actually think some of them thought I did it on purpose! Now is a good time to go the grey route partly due to all the crazy hair colors out there, and surprisingly many young women are choosing grey! With any luck perhaps we can just blend in.

This Impacts Your Overall Look

The truth is this will impact your clothing, makeup, and self-esteem. You might find that the warm color tones in your makeup and wardrobe now clash with the cool tone of your grey hair. If there was ever a good reason to update your wardrobe, this is it.

Your skin tone against your grey or white hair can wreak havoc with your expensive makeup collection. And last but not least, you might feel that you are not as attractive or youthful-looking. Hopefully, you have friends and family around you telling you the truth. The truth is that they admire you and think that you are a strong, beautiful woman.

The Grey Movement Is Here

I am proud today of my decision to embrace both my grey and my age. Certainly, it’s not been an easy road, but it continues to get easier like most things in life. I am also proud of our culture today that encourages people to be themselves, and that beauty comes in all different colors, sizes, and shapes.

Maybe I had the courage to go grey because of this new way of thinking. Regardless of the reason, I am glad that I joined the “Grey Revolution.” I am not here to recruit anyone, but it is a loving community of authentic and amazing women.

The Joy of Accepting Your Age

You won’t miss spending hundreds of dollars, monthly visits to the hair salon, or the constant upkeep of covering your grey. The process can be liberating and can help you accept yourself and your age. There is a huge sense of empowerment being who you are and having the courage to share it with the world.

As women, we are barraged with images on television, the Internet, and magazines of what beauty is and what it should look like. I can’t and frankly don’t want to look like the young women depicted in the media.

I would rather have my short grey hair, and the laugh lines and wrinkles etched into my skin from years of living and laughter. Maybe it’s about time that is considered beautiful, too.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you thought about embracing your grey? Do you see women with grey hair and admire their confidence? Are you tired of spending time and money coloring your hair? What do you think your family and friends would think about you going grey?

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I just got a ppd allergy this year so gotta go grey. 😹😮

The Author

Deborah Garratt is a Life Coach, Spiritual Healer, and Blogger who specializes in Women in Full Bloom, meaning women over 40 years old. She helps and empowers women to heal, rediscover themselves, and create the life of their dreams.

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