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The One Resolution That I Will Continue to Live By in 2024

By Leslie Moon January 03, 2024 Mindset

A couple of years ago, I found myself in a phase of life that I considered to be stressful. I had recently made the decision to retire and was transitioning into that new schedule. My husband and I were building a second home at the beach which was very exciting but also making us nervous – it had become a bigger project than we had expected.

Additionally, I had two grandchildren who were diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes – and for anyone who lives with that in themselves or their kids or grands, you know that it’s a life changing diagnosis.

I had also just turned 60 which really had me reflecting.

There was a lot happening – some really good and some not as great. And my anxiety level, which is always elevated, was high.

I made the decision that summer to work on the practice of being present.

And being present is the one resolution that I will continue into 2024. It has been life changing.

Why Is Being Present Such a Game Changer?

The answer is simple.

Not being present robs us of experiencing the joy in the moment.

I realized that in my 60 years of life, I had very rarely been present in my life.  That saddened me. I’ve had so much joy in my life. Trips with my husband, playing with my sons, cooking with my grandchildren, time with friends, and the list goes on.

In 99% of those moments, I was thinking or worrying about something that had ZERO to do with that moment in time.

And, what’s even worse, I was often worrying about something that wasn’t ever even going to happen!

This had to stop!

What I’ve Learned After Doing This for Two Years

This Is Not Easy!

Working on this was a constant effort, at first. I knew going in that worry and anxiety had ruined many of the moments in my life, but I had no idea really how prevalent it had been until I began holding myself accountable.

And, I’d been doing it for 60+ years! Now, I just require a gentle reminder to myself to be present when I catch my mind wandering. Although, if I’m honest, I’m still gently reminding myself more than I’d like to be!

My Self-Awareness Increased

On this side of 50, being self-aware is the best thing that we can do for ourselves.

We aren’t going to necessarily magically shed our negative core beliefs and our anxiety.  But being self-aware can allow us to understand where our fears and anxieties are coming from, that we will be okay, and give us the courage to move forward in finding our joy and following our dreams at this stage of the game!

I’ve Become TRULY More Grateful

I say “truly” because I think a lot of times we are encouraged to find things to be grateful for and we “name” them but don’t “feel” them.

In being present, I feel them. In the moment.

I love more than almost anything, spending time with my grands. Previously I would be with them and would be worrying about countless different things that had zero to do with what was going on. Or, I’d worry about the boys wrestling and getting hurt. Or, what we were going to do for dinner. Or, when Mom and Dad were going to get back and if they’d be safe. Or, or, or……

Now, I take a minute to revel in their laughter. Or watch the boys wrestle and know that they will, in all likelihood, be just fine and am grateful that they are brothers but also friends. I listen when my grandson tells me all of the things that I need to know about Minecraft and Fortnight and am grateful that he is sharing his world with me. I play catch in the driveway with the four-year-old and am grateful that I am able to move my body even though my back may hurt a bit.

A Few Easy Ways to Get Started

  1. When taking a walk, gardening, or just walking out of your door in the morning when you wake up, take your earbuds out. Listen to the sounds of the birds, the children playing, the people talking. Look at the definition of the green trees against the blue sky. The colors. The beauty.
  2. As you’re walking, exercising, or moving in any way, think about your body and consider all that it can still do! I complain constantly about my aching back but when I stop and really think about it, my body can still do so so much. When I really take the time and stop to consider it, I am so truly grateful.
  3. Turn the TV off when you’re eating. Really taste your food.
  4. Carve out 20 minutes of quiet time and reflect and journal on a topic.

Small ways of practicing being present are infinite.

My word for 2024 is “presence.”

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What are some ways of being present that you could start practicing in your daily life? Have you done this before? Do you tend to zone out instead of being present when out and about?

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Maureen J Marchese

With seven grown children and eight grandchildren it is hard to be present. This article struck me hard because it is very hard to be present but let’s face it-there is no going back!!! I need to start being present NOW!!! Thank you for the reminder.


Oh my gosh! Seven children and 8 grands just sounds so full of joy! And yes….it was hard to think about the fact that in my 60+ years of life I’d not been fully present most situations. It was definitely time to turn that around for me.


Great article and reminder to slow down and notice life happening in this moment. I also have had anxieties about getting older and what the future ‘might” be. I’m trying to remind myself when I’m worrying about the unknown that “life is today, tomorrow is tomorrow”. It helps me settle down.
Thank you


Yes…turning 60 was definitely a thing for me. But so many things I was worrying about aren’t even things that have happened. Or really didn’t matter in the scheme of things.


As a caregiver, it can be tough to stay present. Worry has a way of distracting us from the present moment. As well all of the what ifs. I spend a lot of time reading patient stories so I can be ready for things that may come up.

Writing, sketching or observing nature helps me be present. I have an eagle’s nest in view and we have so many birds on the beach below us. I love watching them.

Being present takes time and effort but I want to do more of it in 2024.


I get that. And sometimes being present is not always a positive thing – not all of our experiences are positive. But taking in the positive with the negative is a good thing and it sounds like you’re doing that!

The Author

Leslie is the founder of Life Balance After 50 where she uses her background in counseling and behavior analysis to help women navigate their goals and dreams after 50. She created a free mini workbook along with a guide and a full-length workbook for women who are looking to redefine and find joy and purpose in their second half of life. Contact Leslie at

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