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Journaling Your Way to Self-Love (VIDEO)

By Joanie Marx February 22, 2024 Mindset

When was the last time you wrote yourself a love letter? When was the last time you lovingly looked upon yourself in a mirror and spoke positively to yourself?

For some, the answer could be as recent as this morning. For many women over 60, the answers are not as easy.

In the final article and video of a three-part series on loving more of yourself after 60, I will share with you how to establish a self-love routine through journaling.

Let’s begin by understanding what can get in the way of a self-love routine.

3 Common Challenges to Self-Love

All of us feel better about ourselves when we show love, kindness, and compassion to others. But how often do we do this for ourselves? And why is it so difficult for so many?

Here are three common challenges women over 60 experience when it comes to practicing a self-love and self-care routine:

Outdated Expectations

Women of our generation grew up in a time when societal expectations heavily influenced our roles and identities. Breaking free from these ingrained expectations and embracing self-love can be a process that requires self-acceptance and courage.

Distorted Body Image

Like many women of our age, you may struggle with accepting and loving your body. A big part of this is society’s emphasis on perceiving love and beauty through a youthful look. This makes it challenging to develop a positive body image and practice self-love without feeling uncomfortable.

People Pleasing

Many women over 60 have spent years forsaking their own well-being to take care of others. Today, this can include caregiving responsibilities for aging parents, grandchildren, or even their own partners. These responsibilities can leave little time and energy for self-love practices.

To help you overcome these challenges, let’s look at 10 ways journaling can serve as a solid foundation for establishing and sustaining a self-love and self-care routine for yourself.

10 Steps for Self-Love Journaling

Many women engage in journaling. Not everyone, however, who journals does so with the clear intention of using this powerful practice as the basis for self-love.

Journaling is something I have engaged in for most of my life. It wasn’t until I reached my early 60s that I began to see it as an essential component of loving more of myself.

Journaling is now something I joyously do throughout the day. It has had a profoundly positive impact in all areas of my life, and I believe it will be for you, too.

Dedicate Time

Dedicate time every day for self-reflection and journaling. Find a quiet and comfortable space to focus on yourself without distractions.

Center Yourself

Begin each journaling session with deep breaths and a few minutes of mindfulness or meditation. This helps you quiet your inner critic by centering yourself and connecting with your inner thoughts and emotions.

Start with Gratitude

Write down three things you are grateful for in your life. Focusing on gratitude helps shift your mindset towards positivity and appreciation.

Celebrate Your Success

Reflect on your strengths and accomplishments. Write about your strengths and things you have achieved in your life, perhaps as recently as the day before. This is about celebrating your successes, big or small.

Self-Care Activities

Make a list of self-care activities that make you feel loved and rejuvenated. These can be anything from walking in nature, taking a bath, reading a book, enjoying a hobby, or even journaling.

Self-Love Letter

Write a love letter to yourself, showing kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. Acknowledge any self-critical thoughts and replace them with compassionate, loving words.

Positive Intentions

Journal positive affirmations or intentions for yourself. These can be empowering statements that reflect your self-worth, goals, and desires.

Reflect on Personal Growth

Journal valuable lessons you have learned and how you have grown over the years. Recognize the resilience and wisdom you have gained through your experiences.

Express Yourself

Silencing your thoughts and hiding your desires diminishes your voice. Express yourself vocally, by talking out loud to yourself with love, acceptance, and gratitude for who you are. Then journal the experience.

Conclude on a Positive Note

Finish each journaling session by writing one thing you love about yourself or something you are looking forward to experiencing in the future.

Sustaining Your New Routine

Starting a self-love routine is one thing, sustaining it is where the results will be seen and felt. It is important not to overwhelm yourself by trying to do all of these 10 steps every day.

Be sure to combine these steps with some of your own so you can create a unique process that suits your specific needs and desires.

When developing a self-love and self-care routine, it is important to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process. When challenges arise, remember the immense benefits you experience from this practice.

Regular journaling can foster a sense of empowerment, self-acceptance, and overall well-being. It allows you to prioritize your own needs, embrace your unique talents, and cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and fulfillment.

I invite you to join me in the video where I will share eight thought-provoking journal prompts to help you get started with your self-love routine.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What are your favorite self-love practices? How has journaling benefited your life after 60?

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Renee Williams

Love this idea!

Shirley Jordan

Journaling can be used in many different ways. I used to think of journaling more as keeping a diary, a set of random, and sometimes sporadic notes But, I now realize some people maintian multiple-journals, and use them for a variety of different purposes. The obvious ones being to keep track of diet and exercise, as a way of accountability, or keeping finances under control. One lovely Youtuber keeps track of how many days she can mark as ‘no spend days.’ Keeping a gratitude journal helps me have a more positive outlook on life. Setting goals, and ticking off our progress can bring satiisfaction, or provide idea choices for future events. Having options always improves mental health.
To me, the most useful journal, is the one I use to reinvent my life. A way of weeding out and tossing behaviours that nolonger serve me, and increasing actions that are in keeping with my values; and add to my goal of getting ‘the best bang for my buck’ from the time that remains. It helps me to chart my course, and reflect upon what is working and what still needs improvement in my quest to achieve balance in all aspects of life.

The Author

Joanie Marx is a three-time bestselling author and the creator of the new, groundbreaking Refocus & Renew Your Life® online course series on Udemy. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Psychology, and a leading authority on refocusing and renewing your life.

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