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Is It Possible to Stop Anxiety?

By Jane Kennard February 24, 2024 Health and Fitness

Is anxiety ruining your life? Is anxiety like a wrecking ball in your mind? Perhaps, like many of us, you live with overwhelm and worry, less sleep because of a chaotic mind, stress and turmoil.

You just want to be free of the constant anxiety. You just want to calm down. What would that be like?! What would it be like to have a peaceful mind?

You’d be more relaxed and focused; you’d think more clearly and rationally; you’d sleep better and have more energy.

You are clearly not the only woman experiencing overwhelm and longing to calm down.

I Was Tormented by Anxiety Too!

It was about 10 years ago that I was a wreck for weeks! I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. Relational and legal issues in my family had me bound up in knots. Scared? Yes! Disruptive thoughts? You bet! Xanax came to the rescue temporarily. I was a steaming hot mess!

After a while, things settled down and I made a personal decision: “I am not going to live like this anymore!” This decision changed my life. I found help and support. Life is much different now after learning about anxiety and practicing strategies to manage it. You might say I turned myself around. I did a 180!

Stop Anxiety in 3 Steps

Name the Fears Causing Anxiety

Reflect and identify what’s scaring you. Be honest. There is always fear hiding underneath anxiety. This may be hard, but do it anyway. Identify fears by responding to these questions.

  1. What worst case situations am I imagining?
  2. What is my inner critic telling me?
  3. What is really triggering my anxiety?
  4. What hard truth might I be ignoring?

Several months ago, a woman overcome with anxiety and anger about a situation in her family contacted me. She was having a very hard time calming down. Journaling about it wasn’t helping. She was distraught and scared.

We talked about her underlying fears. As the root of her anxiety became clear, she began to feel lighter and calmer. Actually, it was a relief to her to name what was really bothering her and prompting the crushing anxiety.

Switch Old Thoughts for New Thoughts

Be alert to thoughts that are negative. Notice how negative thoughts bring you down. Then intentionally replace them with thoughts that are positive and more uplifting. Shift thoughts from negative to positive over and over again. It takes practice. You’ll discover strategies to use when troublesome thoughts show up. Life will begin to calm down for you.

Recently, a woman contacted me because she was experiencing much anxiety about her husband’s frightening health diagnosis. Things seemed very grim. She was alarmed and panicky about the present and the future. Her mind was spinning out of control.

With support through conversations, she was able to focus on her negative, scary thoughts and feelings. Using tools and strategies to shift those thoughts toward a more optimistic place made a difference. It helped her face the immediate challenges and cope with worry.

Make a Plan to Stop Anxiety

Keep managing your thought life and create a plan to reduce anxiety daily. New habits of thinking emerge as you pay attention to your thoughts and stick to a plan. Rule out guilt producing and fear generating patterns of thinking. Outline a routine for quieting yourself. Anxiety will stop tormenting you.

I worked with another client who was distressed about an upcoming transition in her life. What was going to happen? Could she manage dealing with the various individuals involved? Where were the resources she would need? She had become agitated and unsettled about many things.

As we discussed her fears and worries, ideas emerged about how she could cope with current and potential anxieties as well as manage the transition piece by piece. Writing down the plan helped it become concrete and doable. This brought relief and calmness.

What’s Going on Inside You?

If this sounds like you, I sincerely hope you find someone to help you stop anxiety. It is possible!

Click here for a free video training about how to become anxiety free.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How stressed out are you? Do you think you are anxious all the time? What are you doing to lower your anxiety?

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I work with my community on engaging in the practice of being present. We’ve lived with anxiety for 50+ years – it’s not magically going to go away. But, working on the practice of being fully engaged in the present does a lot to help. Thank you for this article!

Jane Kennard

Leslie: Thanks! Being present is certainly helpful in living with anxiety or managing it. While perhaps not magical, the practice of replacing negative thinking with more helpful positive thoughts and ideas can be life changing.

Catherine Vance

Busy-brain keeping me stressed at bedtime. Lightbulb moment–there has got to be guided
meditations online. Yes! At they’re FREE on YouTube. Type in “guided meditation for anxiety” or “sleep meditations.” Trying several, I found my favorite soothing voice (Michael Sealy) and listen to his calming, let-go-of-today’s stress videos.
Loved your article. We tend to catastrophize so sometimes we have to work WITH that instead of against that. “Okay, you flunk the class. Then what? Fine. You’ll take the damn class again.”

Jane Kennard

Thanks, Catherine. For sure, soothing music and guided meditations are helpful. Hope it worked well for you. I also have affordable options for you to learn about anxiety and ways to calm down and relax. A free 30-minute consultation is yours when you schedule on my website: Would love to hear from you! Jane Kennard.

The Author

Jane Kennard PhD, CPC is a Canadian born anxiety coach whose desire is to help women become anxiety free. Her purpose is to support women struggling with anxiety, overwhelm and worry learn how to live anxiety free. Find out more about her “Blueprint for Anxiety Immunity” Program and sign up for a free consultation at

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