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What’s the Single Most Important Thing You Need to Focus on to Stay Fit and Active as You Age?

By Joan Craig April 05, 2024 Health and Fitness

Exercise. Walking. Water Aerobics. Yoga. Good nutrition. Getting enough sleep. Managing stress. Hydration. All of these are important. The #1 concept that holds them all together is balance.

In my work with adults aged 55–85, I’ve learned that to stay fit and active as we age, we need to focus on balance in three areas:

  • Balanced joint alignment,
  • Balance while we’re in motion,
  • Balanced lifestyle.

Let’s cover some simple, practical tips to maintain balance in all three areas.

Balance Your Joints

Some people believe that arthritis, joint pain, and stooped posture are unavoidable, non-negotiable parts of aging. While it’s true that our bodies eventually slow down, and we go through some life situations we cannot change, we don’t have to experience pain and limited motion.

In many cases, it’s the uneven wear and tear on joints that causes pain. For example, if your feet pronate (collapse on the inner arch) too much, your knees or low back may hurt. By aligning your feet with better muscular balance side to side and top to bottom, you can avoid this pain.

I’ve also seen many older adults who are in excellent cardiovascular condition, but have stooped posture and pain in their knees, hips, backs, and necks. These adults have often been endurance athletes, with a lifelong love and commitment to bike riding, running, hiking, or cardio machines at the gym.

While these activities are wonderful for overall health, energy, immunity, and mood, they involve repetitive motions. Without cross-training and stretching, the same muscles get used for hours every day. The neglected muscles complain, and the imbalanced muscle effort puts imbalanced strain on the joints.

Yoga, Pilates, tai chi, and other mindful movement practices bring awareness to our posture. They help us see where we are tight and weak. We have to stretch out the tight places to reduce the uneven forces on our joints.

In my work as a yoga therapist, I help people stretch the tight places and strengthen the weak ones to improve posture, align their joints, and reduce pain.

There are many exercises you can do to overcome poor joint alignment: Rounded Shoulders, Stiff Upper Back, Forward Head and Stiff Neck, Stop Walking Like an Old Lady.

Balance Your Balance

It’s no secret that maintaining balance and staying upright are crucial to keeping fit and active as we age. One fall can be a huge setback, especially if we break a bone or have another serious injury.

When I talk to many potential clients, they often say, “I can’t balance at all,” or “My balance is terrible.” (Once they become my clients, they learn to speak and act proactively about their balance!)

I have a big gripe with one part of senior fitness programming. The balance exercises are often too still. I’ve never heard of anyone falling while standing on one foot and touching the wall.

People usually fall when they are already in motion – walking, going down stairs, or stepping over an obstacle. To maintain and improve our balance, we’ve got to practice dynamic balance, in motion!

We also need to balance in multiple directions, including forward, backward, right, left, and while in rotation.

Balance Your Lifestyle

Even if you have the best intentions to exercise, align your joints, and practice balance every day, it’s incredibly difficult without a holistic approach. If you’re not sleeping well, eating well, or managing stress, even simple activities you need to do will feel a lot harder!

That’s why in my very first conversation with a potential client, I ask them how well they are sleeping, hydrating, digesting, and managing stress. In their first week with me, we track sleep, hydration, fruits and vegetables, and activities that bring them joy and peace.

These foundational health habits are the keys to a balanced lifestyle and must be in place to support gains in flexibility, strength, and stamina. A balanced lifestyle is also absolutely necessary for healthy bones.

To get you started, here are a few free resources:

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What is your weakest point of balance? What do you do to overcome that weakness? What exercises of lifestyle changes have you adapted? Which ones do you the most good? Please leave a comment below.

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I am 63 and still very active, but I noticed that my balance was a little awry when getting up and down a ladder or on and off my dressmaking cutting table to retrieve bits in he corner. After my morning shower I started to dry my feet one at a time while standing on one leg and not touching the wall for support. I would then put on foot moisturiser the same way. After a few months I found that it became easier and my over all balance had improved. It also has lessened my fear of falling.

Joan Craig

Good job Julianne! Drying and moisturizing one foot while standing on the other is a dynamic balance activity because you have to keep moving your hands and raised foot!


I stand on one foot while brushing my teeth!


I’d like to really thank you for this info. I am 65 and have been an athlete my whole life. I try and do it all right. It’s a life time experiment, with ourselves being the beaker in the lab…. I actually just had a conversation with a friend who is a doctor. She told me that “we”,(the medical establishment) expect people to develop joint problems and rapid decline as we age. When I told her that is “old school medicine”, she flat out told me I didn’t know what I was talking about. She is only 36 and I was appalled that any senior patients that she has are dealing with this no win type of attitude…. thanks so much, I will send this to her. I am hoping she takes some of it and applies it to her practise. Good work and may this find you well!!!!

Joan Craig

Thank you Tracy! I applaud you knowing and speaking your inner truth despite what society and authority figures tell us.

Yes we all age! Sounds like you are keeping an open mind and a balanced body while you age.

Susan G. Mahaney

Ladies, Pick up the heavy weights! Do no fear the loaded barbell. I also run, bike, and swim, but that is not enough to j keep those bones and joints strong, not to mention muscles.

Joan Craig

Yes weights too! It’s all important!

Carol Bain

I walk 3 miles & do a yoga class but I’ve also started stretching exercises of a morning which I’m increasing in length. I want to stay on the move for as long as possible.


Sounds like you will. Good for you!

Joan Craig

Yes Carol keep it up!!

The Author

Joan Hope Craig has twenty years of experience as a yoga therapist and wellness coach, with expertise in scoliosis, posture, and balance. She teaches how simple habits lead to health, happiness, and purpose. She authored Change Point: Simplify Your Life, Find Inner Peace, and Do What Matters. Connect at

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