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Announcing My New Project… She Cruises!

One of my true passions in life is travel. Sometimes, when I have the time and money, I go to exotic places. But, most often, I just get on a bus and travel to the cities around me. It was this passion for travel that led me to start my latest project, “She Cruises.” At, I will be sharing my latest travel tips, updates from my own travel adventures, interviews with travel experts, special offers and much more! Of course, I am still committed 100% to Sixty and Me, but, I hope that you will enjoy this new website as much as you enjoy this one! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me!

If you have a few seconds, I’d love for you to check out and, if you like it, please share it with a friend. Or, click here to watch today’s video.

Do you love to travel? What was the last trip that you took? What do you think of my latest project, She Cruises? Let’s have a chat!

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The Author

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

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