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3 Ways to Cultivate a Flourishing Life Garden After 60

By Robin Griffiths August 26, 2018 Lifestyle

Are you tending to your garden of life? Each day we have the opportunity to care for our well-being by discovering more about what makes us happy, content, joyful and engaged. Are you taking advantage of your time and cultivating your life garden?

You may wonder what life garden I am talking about. If you have ever been in a garden, you know what it is to enjoy the beauty from time and effort given, or you may see the results of one neglected.

Time and effort must be given whether you are working in a vegetable, flower or other type of garden.

The soil must be tilled, and the dirt fertilized. It must be planted at the proper time to receive the right temperature, sun and rain. The garden must be protected from weeds, and it needs the right amount of trimming and support.

Life Is Like a Garden

Life is much like a garden. We must take care of basic needs, fertilize and weed out the influence that holds us back from growth.

As we age, our needs change. We should note those changes and adjust to continue our life journey. We need to provide for mental and physical health, and we need to focus on the positive.

Taking Care of Needs

I heard a story once about a girl cooking her grandmother’s recipe who needed a special size baking dish. When questioned, she did not know why she had to have this exact dish, but she knew it had always been used in their family for generations.

After questioning many family members, it turned out the reason was her grandmother only had that size pan, so that is what she used.

How often do we continue to do things the same way because that is the way it has always been done? Look at your habits and see what you may need to change to improve your life garden.

senior couple caring for garden

Provide the Right Nutrients

A good garden needs a lot of care in the beginning. Once established, it becomes easier to care for and as it grows and develops, it becomes more beautiful.

Give your life garden the right elements to encourage growth. You may need to work on self-improvement, diet, exercise or have a health checkup. Developing hobbies, joining groups, interacting with new people and feeding your spirit are other ways to grow and learn.


Every day, we can choose our attitude and our actions. By making those choices we can weed out the negative influences within our life.

You may want to consider how you receive your news, whether it’s media or friends. The people you allow in your life and those you may need to distance yourself from are also areas to examine. Weeding out what we don’t want or need in our life, gives us an opening for positive influence.

Think about how much change has taken place in your life and how the journey in your 60s can guide the future in a way to flourish and become your best yet.

What kind of life garden will you grow going forward? How are you nourishing your personal life garden? Please share what kind of maintenance you do to take out the weeds.

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The Author

Robin Anne Griffiths has spent a lifetime working in the media field. She is a published author and a certified master development coach. As an ACE personal trainer and movement instructor for senior populations, Robin works with groups and individuals on life transitions for self-improvement and to create personal balance, physically and mentally. You can reach her on her website at

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