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The Little Lines on My Face, A.K.A. Signs of Aging

By Leslie Ginnes July 30, 2023 Lifestyle

You look across the table at your long-time friend over the ‘every Wednesday’ morning cup. Do you see her as aging? Do you see her as she was when you first met?

This April I realized I was older. It may seem strange since we all age every day. Better to say, I received a clear message from my gut while looking in the mirror. I am older. I am different now, and not just by the benefit of gravity.

Two important points before we go forward. I am a woman who would, if she could, take advantage of the medical miracles to erase time’s presence, but I am also embarrassed that I want to. Also, I write here for those fortunate enough to get old healthfully, without the boulder of illness strapped to the body to be carried along with the aging ague.

The Little Lines Are Everywhere

The blog post headlines, long-standing fashion magazines, and Pinterest Pins attack the presence of those precious little lines on my face. Those articles and pins are an irresistible hook.

It is understandable why lines on a face are a multi-billion-dollar industry. When women we admire for their talent and survival skills, such as Ms. Bonnie Raitt, sing, “These lines staring back at you are pretty hard to take,” it confirms our struggle.

We know what they mean universally and have intense feelings about the personal changes we see.

Thankfully, it isn’t all about masquerading as someone younger. A shift is occurring, encouraging us to see our thinking about aging through a different lens so that we may do so with an abundance of self-assurance. We are encouraged to practice the art of unwinding our concepts around aging; we are emboldened to lift ourselves out of the motheaten beliefs about age within which we have been steeped.

Discovering guides on how to unmask our prejudice about our internal aging self is comforting. So many of us have been battling our bodies since we were young. It follows, without acceptance, somewhere along the way, we would come to aging with criticism and a determination to turn back the clock. It is depressing to know that 30-year-old women (and men) are already using Botox and laser resurfacing.

Can We Remember to Avoid Side Lighting?

Fear is a great motivator and youth is an easy sell, offering a way to erase what we resist. With so much to learn, we need to use some of our precious time to decipher and choose, then practice creating, putting on, and wearing the shield of choice against an insidious foe.

Indeed, there is too much written on aging and doing it gracefully by fighting it. We are provided guides on what to wear and how to use makeup to camouflage while enhancing. Directions instruct us on how to mask our skins contrarian manifestation of what is going on. Equipped with tactics and recipes, we arm ourselves against the aging onslaught.

What About When You Look in the Mirror? Who Is It You See?

But because the idea of aging is so split even within oneself, there is much information about taking a stand on both sides of the debate. How to handle aging while guiding you on how to be a better you, with exercise, meditations, foods for this and supplements for that, and a cheeky beach book cheering you on; allow yourself to be seen. ‘

But you MUST remember, before you go to sleep, to be sure you not only wash your face with a moisturizing plumping peptide-infused cleanser but also use the toner that captures the dewy essence of youth through further cleaning.

Then comes the moisturizing ritual, first with an eye-specific gel and then one for the face and another for the neck and decolletage. Still, we are assured that even with all this hard work, the real you remains as intriguing, natural, and wonderfully uncommon as always. You just need a little help.

Confusing? You Think?

So much to learn, and there is only one thing I am convinced of when I come to the end of any of these informational dumps: I am confident that I am already aging incorrectly. I realize I was mathematically old only a few months ago. I came to this class unprepared.

In all iterations of how to age, we do not discuss necks needing scarves, boobs that swing a little too free, or forgetting to check for chin hairs before leaving the house. There is little encouragement to be authentic and messy, to let us be angry and feel bewildered as we arise more crinkled than yesterday.

The clock is moving too fast. Some days I live in a lazy acceptance, and some days I prod myself with thoughts; you never know whom you will bump into.

I secretly want to know how to upgrade myself as an aging woman while appreciating, railing against, accepting, grieving, and being astonished by this phase of life. During this once-in-a-lifetime transition, let us cry when needed, be proud, and laugh at our foibles, worries, and discoveries.

To know deep within I am, each of us is a welcomed member of the dazzling gathering. It is a prayer. It is a meditation. It is important so as we get closer to the time, we learn that we are made from the stuff of stars, as Carl Sagan says, so we may go being good with that.

Keep well.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

When was the first time you realized you were older? How has the mirror served you in that endeavor? Which side of the debate are you on – fighting aging or aging gracefully – and what does each mean to you?

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Best is yet to come?

I am struggling a bit with being older. I am 61 and my son has just left home (he is 19). I don’t like the realisation that people see me as an older person, and haven’t yet come to terms with the empty nest. I have filled the gap (since he has left home) with going back to university to study a Masters, and I also have a great job that I enjoy. Physically, I dislike my crepey neck, but lucky that my hair doesn’t have much grey. I am definitely not into surgical correction etc but do put highlights in my hair every 6 months or so. I do dress fairly smartly. I can’t wear much eyemakeup as I seem to have become allergic to it this last year, and that is certainly annoying. Not happy with the physical changes and am getting a hearing aid. Feels like such an old person thing – to have a hearing aid – but I think it will make a worthwhile difference as everything is so muffled. Trying to think now what I really want and how to incorporate that it my weekly life. I could retire (have the money) but I don’t think that is what I want. I enjoy my job. Maybe just taking a lot more care to do things for me that I enjoy? Appreciating every day? So I guess what I am saying is that it is a bit of a mixed bag and something intensely uncomfortable at the moment. Feel optimistic that I will work through it and come out someplace better! Because there are lots of inspirational women on this site, who are living their best life! <3

Toni Stritzke

What an excellent and timely piece of writing. Funnily, more I age, the less conflict I feel. I’m just glad all my parts are still turning.

Sandra Lee

I have never been fussy about my skin care regime. I use simple Cetaphil facial wash, and moisturizing cream. I grew up in So. California, so I was a sun worshipper. Never used sunscreen, so, I do have growing age spots. My daughter tells me I have no wrinkles. I have systemic lupus, and have battled breast cancer. For me, aging has taught me just how strong I am. Growing older has been real journey, filled with fun, and enlightenment. Thanks, for a good article.


Gosh at age 60, I still haven’t realized that I or my friends are older. I LOVE this season of my life. I like how I look and feel. I’m aging gratefully and having a grand time doing it. I feel very blessed.

Kathleen Herndon

Wonderful to hear as just having turned 57. Yet I always feel 21!! My husband just told me that after over 23 years of marriage, he wants a divorce. He’s 14 years older, I wish him all the luck.


His neglecting you, his poor loss of you, but I am personally glad to your happy gain of feeling young internally.


Great article with many of my own thoughts sprinkled in with hers. I try to keep myself presentable and now I am choosing dresses with scarves or jewelry more than I ever have before. I keep telling myself that it will be ok. That being alone and aging can still be a fun adventure!

Sandra Lee

I love your attitude!

The Author

Leslie Ginnes’ goal is to freely share the expertise and care given to her, which nurtures her creativity. She is 65, looking back and looking forward and wondering how we can lift what is too heavy to carry. Finally, accepting everything will change, and it does in a split second.

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