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10 Natural Products to Use for Aging Skin (+ Face Mask Recipe!)

By Iva Ursano May 28, 2022 Beauty

The anti-aging skin industry is currently growing at 7% annually. All of us aging beauties are looking for the next best product to reverse aging or make it stop. According to March 18, 2022 data on

The global anti-aging market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8 percent between 2013 and 2019. With the market’s value amounting to 122.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2013, it is expected to reach 191.7 billion U.S. dollars by 2019.

That’s an awful lot! 122 billion dollars?? Oy.

Did you know that you have plenty of amazing natural skin care products right in your kitchen and garden?

10 All Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

I want to share 10 of the best natural products for aging skin, and then I’ll give you the secret recipe to my anti-aging facial mask that is amazing and safe to use daily.

Before I share these natural anti-aging products with you, it’s important to make sure you do a sensitivity test to watch for allergic reactions. And of course, always consult your doctor before trying anything new, even natural products.

10 All Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

Aloe Vera Gel

Hands down without a doubt this is my #1 favourite product. I gently rub fresh aloe gel on my skin immediately after washing in the morning and the evening. Just a tiny amount will do! I don’t wash mine off though I feel that’s a preferential choice. It helps improve collagen production and skin elasticity. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow down the appearance of aging skin.


Who would have thought that this yummy sweet treat is also good to put right on your skin? Honey is amazing at retaining and rebuilding moisture on your skin without any irritation. It’s also really good at keeping the skin looking plump and young and preventing infections!

Word of caution: don’t leave it on your skin overnight or you may just end up being a human venus fly trap!


Turmeric can be taken orally, of course, in delicious foods and dishes but did you know you can also make a wonderful face mask with it too? Yup. Turmeric also boosts collagen production and speeds up the body’s ability to regenerate new skin. It’s also really great for lightening dark spots.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee is also a great brightening agent. It helps lighten age spots, sun spots, and reduces fine lines. It’s also great for acne and those nasty dark circles under your eyes. When using coffee grounds make sure they are super fine and don’t rub too hard. This can cause more damage than good.


Oh gosh oatmeal has so many amazing skin benefits! Let’s start with how moisturizing it is. And then I can’t forget to mention it’s a wonderful exfoliant and cleansing ingredient too!! Another great product that boosts collagen and helps tighten and brighten the skin.


Yogurt is an amazing product for your skin. It is high in alpha hydroxy acid which is fantastic for reducing fine lines and preventing wrinkles. Using yogurt in a face mask is a really great way to get the most out of it.

Cocoa Powder

Besides putting this in your morning smoothie to make it chocolatey (yum), cocoa powder is also great for detoxifying your skin and increasing its elasticity. It also reduces oxidative stress which leads to premature aging.


These are super high in Vitamin C, not to mention they are also super delicious. Next time you are making a face mask, blend some mango in there too. This fruit helps boost collagen production too. Mangoes are high in antioxidants which help prevent premature aging.


You can plop one in your blender for your smoothie and then mash another for your face! Bananas are considered nature’s Botox as they plump up your skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. They are also high in Vitamin A and zinc.

Essential Oils

Oh, how I love these. Where do I begin? Here are my recommendations for essential oils for the skin:

  • Lemon
  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Neroli
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Carrot seed
  • Sandalwood

Just to name a few. Add a couple of drops of any of these into a carrier oil such as Jojoba, Sweet Almond or Avocado, and you have a wonderful cleansing oil for your face!

More Tips for Healthy Aging Skin

Taking care of our skin also includes doing things from the inside like eating a healthy, well balanced diet, reducing your sugar intake, cutting back on alcohol and quitting smoking.

Getting a good night’s sleep and proper exercise also play a huge role in how our skin, and bodies, age! I recently just started doing yoga and that has made a huge difference in how strong my body feels. I love it.

It’s never too late and you’re never too old to start a new health regime. Start small and go slow, but just start somewhere!

Skin Care Doesn’t Have to Hurt or Cost a Fortune

I get that some women don’t mind going under the knife for cosmetic surgery. I tried it once, a small filler and a little Botox, and I hated both and have never done it again. I’m aging, and I’m totally ok with that. I don’t need to look 25 or 35 or 40 anymore.

At almost 60, I’ve honestly never felt better in my entire life. It’s never too late to start self-care. You are so worth it!

Iva’s Anti-Aging Mask

This is my anti-aging mask that I use daily! Don’t forget to test the ingredients first to make sure you have no allergies!

2 teaspoons oatmeal

1 teaspoon natural honey

2 teaspoons all natural yogurt

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon super fine grind coffee

2-3 drops of each essential oil – neroli, lavender, frankincense, rosemary

Apply gently on your skin and let sit for 10-20 minutes. Wash off gently. I usually apply aloe vera gel right after this and my skin feels amazing! Mmmmmm. This should last in the fridge up to one week.

How do you take care of your skin on a daily basis? What about weekly basis? Do you have your own recipe for skin care? Which are your favorite natural products that you use to make your skin glow?

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The Author

Iva is a retired hairstylist turned freelancer from Canada who now lives in Guatemala. She writes to inspire midlife women to live their best lives and help them build self-confidence, boost self-esteem and make bold changes to their lives.

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