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Small Business

Are you thinking of starting a small business in your 60s? It's not as unusual an idea as you might think. In fact, older entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly common. We'll take you step-by-step through the process of building your profitable business.

9 years ago

What All Women Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Starting a Business

Every year, thousands of people take that first brave step and set up their own business. These people are from all walks of life. Contrary to popular stereotypes, many first-time entrepreneurs are in their 50s and 60s.

It’s always heartening to hear stories of entrepreneurs starting from scratch and doing well. Though anyone who runs their own business will understand how much effort it takes to get a new venture off the ground. I hope that my own entrepreneurial story will encourage the other women in the Sixty and Me community to follow their passions. Read More

9 years ago

How to Find the Best Place to Sell Your Handmade Items Online

In previous articles, I covered how to improve your crafting skills and how to decide which items to produce. If you have already followed this advice, you should already be well on your way to building a successful business. Now, I would like to take a look at another critical step in the process – deciding how and where to sell your handmade items online. Read More

9 years ago

Making Money from Your Crafts – How to Decide What to Make and Sell

In a previous article, I discussed how to improve your craft skills so that you can get ready to sell your handmade items online. But, once you feel like you have reached a certain level of proficiency, the question still remains – what should you produce? Read More

9 years ago

Older Entrepreneurs Are the New Normal – But, the World Still Doesn’t Know it!

If you think about the word “entrepreneur,” what image springs to mind? Maybe you thought of the actor who played Marc Zuckerberg in the film, “The Social Network”. Or, perhaps you imagined Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or another young technology genius, who started a technology empire from his or her basement. You probably didn’t think of a retired 57-year old tax consultant from St. Louis. If so, your instinct was way off. Read More

9 years ago

Fun Jobs for Seniors: How to Sell Your Handmade Items Online

A lot of women in their 60s would love to make a little extra money on the side, preferably doing something they love. Unfortunately jobs for seniors are hard to come by these days.

Besides, after decades trying to climb the corporate ladder, many of us are reluctant to start something too serious. At the same time, we would like to earn some “fun money” for travel, gifts and little luxuries. The question is – where should we start? Read More

10 years ago

How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 2): Finding Your Idea

When I asked the 44,000 members of the Sixty and Me community what was preventing them from starting a business, by far the most common response was “I don’t have a business idea.” As I mentioned in part 1 of this series, the first step to take when starting a business is to examine your own strengths. But, what next? Read More

10 years ago

How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 1): Finding Your Strengths

Most people think that successful businesses start with an idea. They don’t. Successful businesses start with a person. More specifically, they begin when a person recognizes his or her unique talents and sets out to improve the lives of others.

If this seems obvious, think about the number of people who never start a business because they “can’t think of an idea” or “don’t know where to start.” Many of these people could become successful freelancers, small business owners or entrepreneurs, if they examined themselves before looking for ideas. Read More

10 years ago

Are Aging Stereotypes Stopping You from Starting a Business?

Does the way we think about words like “retirement” and “bingo” change our behavior? Could aging stereotypes even have an impact on how many of us decide to start a business after 50?

According to a 1996 study by John Bargh, and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, there is reason to believe that they do. As a result, it is more important than ever for us to redefine retirement and provide positive examples for each other of what we can accomplish in our 50s, 60s and beyond. Read More

10 years ago

Starting a Business After 60? Why “Doing What You Love” Isn’t Enough

People like simple explanations to difficult problems. We know that relationships are complicated but we like to believe that “love conquers all.” We understand that starting a business requires passion, discipline, value creation and luck, but, it’s so much more pleasant to believe that if you “do what you love the money will follow.”

The problem is that half-truths are often more destructive than lies. They wrap our desires in a warm blanket of believability and prevent us from making rational choices. Nowhere is this truer than in the myth of the successful hobby-business. Read More

10 years ago

4 Ways Older Entrepreneurs Can Win Against Their Younger Counterparts

When I told my friends and family that I was quitting my marketing job at a well-respected global company to start Sixty and Me, I was greeted with confused looks. After all, at age 64, I was supposed to be “winding down” and preparing for retirement.

Like the thousands of older entrepreneurs that start a business in their 50s, 60s or beyond, I didn’t see it that way. With 20 to 30 years ahead of me, I wanted to fill my remaining years with new adventures and valuable work. Now, with Sixty and Me growing and changing lives, I’m glad I did. At the same time, my experience raises some important questions. Read More